Eductors for pumping, heating and mixing.

Steam Jet Heater Model 340 Simplex

Steam Jet Heater Model 340 Simplex

Principle of Operation

Model 340 Steam Jet Heater
Model 340 Heater

Fig. 340 Simplex Continuous Pipeline Steam Jet Heater combines liquid under pressure with steam at a higher pressure. Pressurized liquid enters the heater and flows through an in-line perforated combining tube concentric to the diffuser. Steam enters the heater and passes into the combining tube, and intimately mixes with the liquid in the tube and venturi. The steam completely condenses and heats the liquid. The mixture discharges at no loss in liquid pressure.

The Type 340 Simplex Heater consists of a one-piece body and diffuser and a removable combining tube. The straight through design of the unit permits handling slurries and liquids with suspended solids and semi-solids as well as clear liquids. The heater can be turned on and off with a minimum of vibration.

These heaters are normally made and stocked in bronze and stainless steel, but can be supplied in other machinable and castable alloys. There are no moving parts to get out of order, adjust, or repair.


The Fig. 340 Simplex Continuous Pipeline Steam Jet Heater is a simple, yet efficient device for low-cost, in-line heating of process liquid by direct steam injection.The straight through in-line design minimizes clogging. Simplex Continuous Pipeline Steam Jet Heaters have a low initial cost, no moving parts, are easy to install and require little or no maintenance.


  • Sulphur melters.
  • Heating soup in-line before blending.
  • In chemical plants – preheating process line before entering reactor vessel.